30 March 2014

406 Character Death

Break out your widows weeds and best funerary hankies, /reporters, because this week we're exploring the wide and wonderful world of character death. Pru and MK are joined by Death Moon Merelyn and Black Snowflake Waldorph to discuss when character deaths work, when they don't, and which ones have been the most affecting in their tear-stained memories. Listeners beware, this episode contains extensive spoilers for The Good Wife, Hannibal, and Person of Interest among other fandoms.

You should also follow us on Twitter for even more inanity during the week.

16 March 2014

405 Almost Human

Hurry up scanning your partner's balls and get strapped in, because Pru and guest Ayalesca are taking you on a journey to a future with Doctor McCoy, that guy who was in Common Law, and a lot of discussion about artificial intelligence. This week, we talk Fox's Almost Human, and how it was Almost Awesome, and whether or not we think it'll be be back for another season. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for even more inanity during the week.

9 March 2014

404 Doujinshi and Manga

Maybe this year senpai will notice us! Or senpai will find this podcast episode where we talk about glowing fog penises and why you would ever want to microwave your manga collection and then ever speak to us again. This week we're joined by one of our favourite guests, The Hoyden, as we go deep (so, so deep) into manga, doujinshi, scanlating, and yes, a little bit of anime. There's no going back, but you should listen anyway.

 Don't forget to follow us on Twitter for even more inanity during the week.