28 July 2013

320 Pacific Rim

Prepare for neural handshake, listeners, because MK, Pru, and Merelyn (with a special appearance by Sir Not Appearing In This Film, Twentysomething) are talking about Pacific Rim. Fair warning: if you really liked this movie - this is not the podcast for you. We chat about what worked for us in the movie, what didn't (a lot), and about all the Japanese mecha animes that are the cultural forebears of this flick.

You should follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.

21 July 2013

319 Welcome to Night Vale

Some so-called 'scientists' tell us that podcasts and radio dramas are things that exist, but we here at Slash Report have yet to see any tangible proof. Station Management has released a memo indicating that we should all immediately disregard any being who claims to have heard a podcast or radio drama, and to instead dedicate ourselves to the maintenance of the Living Forest and the continuing battle against wheat, and wheat by-products. Welcome to Slash Report. City council demands you download this episode immediately, and follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.

14 July 2013

318 Stargate Atlantis

Meet us in the ready room, /reporters, because we're heading for Pegasus Galaxy because we heard there're some super sexy catfish with evil hand vaginas hanging there and throwing BANGING parties. This week, we're diving into the annals of your old Pinboard/Delicious tags and your dark early morning hours of binge reading AUs to hang out with Stargate Atlantis. Strap on your P90 and go wiki DADT, folks, because there's a 90 percent chance that after you listen to this, you're coming with us down this nostalgia spiral. You can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.