The RSS feed for /report podcast episodes. But really, you should follow us on twitter (@slashreport) or just visit Pru or MK's LJs and DWs.
9 September 2012
222 Season Finale

19 August 2012
221 Year in Review

12 August 2012
220 One Direction

This week the /report team scam Merelyn and Cherrybina on to talk about the Return of Popslash in the form of One Direction fandom. Who are these twinkly singers and why are they all over your tumblr dashboard despite your best efforts to avoid them? Pru and MK have no fucking clue. That's why we got guest hosts.
You can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
5 August 2012
219 Fangirl Confessions

Bust out your extra guilt and we'll see you on the other side of the grill, /reporters, because it's our fandom confessions episode. Tune in as we cover the breadth of weird fandom quirks, missed connections (and potential happy endings!) for fangirls in love, terrible things we do to each other, and topics that turn surprisingly controversial. Also, to hear Pru and MK argue about Stargate: Atlantis's "Trinity." Again. Some more. Are you scared yet? Good. You should be.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
22 July 2012
218 Mobile Fandom

You can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
15 July 2012
217 Ask Us Anything

Our RSS/iTunes feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
8 July 2012
216 - Mystery Slashreport Three Thousand: How to Train Your Dragon

Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
24 June 2012
215 First Times

Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
17 June 2012
214 50/50 Tropes
Double up on your popcorn this week folks, because MK, Pru, and The Hoyden take a journey of terrible discovery in the depths of your favorite (and least favorite) fanfic tropes. We cover everything from soulbonding to soulbonding with a mind meld, and detour in the land of magical ass babies and high school AUs along the way. If that sounds like your cup of tea, or perhaps you are just a keen fan of listening to auditory train wrecks, crank up the volume and settle in, because /report is always happy to serve.
10 June 2012
213 Summer TV

It's summer and obviously that means we're all going to sit inside and watch a tsunami of television, if MK has anything to say about it. This week we talk about the slate of upcoming USA and TNT shows that are finally returning to our warm embrace, dump on Common Law, share a duo of horrifying SLO entries (we're so sorry), and coin a new term to put into the /report dictionary. Everybody slap on some sunscreen and break out your Ray Bans, for your sun burns, and we are the auditory equivalent of a frozen treat.
3 June 2012
212 House MD series recap

Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
What are you waiting for? Go grab this week's episode!
27 May 2012
112 The Good Wife

Get ready to feel sexually confused by Kalinda and emotionally gut-punched by Alicia because it's finally time for /report's all Good Wife all the time episode. If you've been overwhelmed with tortured, legal feelings since the season finale or stuck wondering which episode featuring Cary Agos high on shrooms you should watch, wonder no more, because we're here for you. We're here to help. And admire Kalinda for buying a sledgehammer and hiding an entire universe of accessories in her boobs.
20 May 2012
210 Avengers Assemble

Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
What are you waiting for? Go grab this week's Avengers Special!
6 May 2012
209 Gender AUs

Click here to stream or download this week's episode, or follow us on twitter for even more fail during the week.
22 April 2012
208 Mystery Slashreport Three Thousand: Iron Man

Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
What are you waiting for? Go grab this week's episode now!
(We really hope the itunes feed works this week - blogger has changed their set up so who knows if this will work at all.)
15 April 2012
207 Teen Wolf with Hoyden, Leupagus, and Twentysomething
8 April 2012
206 Martha Wells, Science Fiction, and Fantasy

Join us around the interstellar campfire as we talk with Martha Wells — author of The Cloud Roads and the Serpent Sea — about genre and speculative fiction, why we love (and hate) dragons, the way science fiction builds communities and kept weird little kids like us from feeling alone, and how it's so much more than Twilight out there. Charge your Stargate and gas up the Enterprise, ladies and gentlemen, and keep your arms, legs, and flippers inside the cart for the ride.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
Are you ready? Grab or stream this week's episode on the episode page!
1 April 2012
205 Podfic with Pennyplainknits
Strap on your animal ears and feathers, ladies and gents, because in an episode meant to explore the complexities, heartbreak, and joy of podfics, we veered so off course we hooked up with the Donner Party. Come for the special guest, Pennyplainknits, and her charming accent, stay for extensive, awful discussions in what has been agreed to be the "worst episode since we had Lianne on." We talk how to podfic, why we podfic, why we listen to it, and also, have at least one legitimate use case for the term "swanfucker."
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
25 March 2012
204 Author Talk with Cobweb Diamond
This week we trick the wild Cobweb_Diamond aka Gav with sparkly gold flats and large quantities of booze and stuff her into our /report carpeted van to interrogate her about fandom. We talk about writing WIPs, the best method of being creative while drunk and coming home from parties, the sound of Scotland crying, and spend a lot of time being puzzled about The Last Airbender and fashion.
Heads up, listeners, a warning about this week: there is some high pitched audio interference science, magic, and threats all failed to remove during the first 15 minutes of the episode. It's intermittent, but listen with caution, or fast-forward to the 16 minute mark and spare yourself the grief entirely.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
18 March 2012
203 Video Games
Lijaka, Yin, and MK discuss gaming, gaming platforms, which games are good for girls to play and aren't just mediocre sports games, and take listener questions.
Everything you've ever wanted to know about video games but were afraid to ask until you posted it on twitter is in this episode. Or rather, we think we got everything but there's a chance we've missed some things. More for next time! Whether you're an avid gamer or you're terrified and think all games are for men by men, listen to this episode and we'll set the record straight.
You can visit Lijaka's otome games blog here (Japanese games aimed at women) and Yin's livejournal here.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
Recs are available on slashreport.com.
11 March 2012
202 Mystery Slashreport Three Thousand: Inception
You voted and we made it happen. Pull out your Inception DVD or your digital file and get ready for the first ever Mystery Slashreport Three Thousand episode: Inception edition.
Watch Inception in real time with us as we get distracted over and over again by JGL's ass, dream heist mechanics, and what a dumbass Cobb is.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
4 March 2012
201 BBC Sherlock
We're back with season 2 of Slash Report! Hold onto your feels because this week we wail hysteric over the second series of BBC's Sherlock with some reference to season 1, and top you off with some happy and some sad fic recs. Pru would like to note that while her name may be on Sherlock's face the roles here should actually be reversed.
New this season, we have amazing new opening and closing music composed for us by the lovely and talented Rebecca Scoble (the audio editor for Tokyo Demons). We hope you love it just as much as we do.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.
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